
Preparing for the Camino

As I understand it, one prepares to walk by walking. That’s the basic training plan, though there are many subtleties, including boots, blisters, orthotics, tape, special socks, and so on. These 60-year-old feet need all the help they can get.

Getting ready for this trip has been an adventure in itself. When I began planning last fall, John says my mood immediately improved. (Was I that grouchy?)

If you know me, you know that ANY trip gets my motor running. The more complicated, the more planning required, the more excited I get. So, as you can imagine, the anticipation of this trip has me walking on air. Lately, I’ve been walking along the roads in Vero Beach…wearing the full gear…backpack, huge hat, boots and walking sticks.  I get a lot of stares from the locals in their flip flops. The most fun is had on the treadmill at my gym, where I routinely get interrupted and asked what the heck I am doing in that gear. I get a lot of smiles and encouragement.

2 thoughts on “Preparing for the Camino

  1. Patty McGuigan May 10, 2018 at 8:52 pm

    Dearest Trish ,
    What an amazing trip and journey you will be on … so looking forward to following your blog ! Walter and I did not know Sam but he sounds like he was an exceptional guy … Of course .. He has wonderful parents !! We are “ rooting” for you …

    Lots of love,
    Patty and Walter

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