Day 12- Santo Domingo de la Calzada to Belorado (14.5 Miles)
Yesterday, after John left, I did some sightseeing in Santo Domingo. I visited the beautiful cathedral and got the full color on the local legend. To keep it brief, the story involved a hanged man and a cooked chicken that came back to life. ( The town takes the legend seriously, in fact, they received a papal dispensation to keep chickens in the sanctuary, and have been doing so for centuries. That’s a live rooster behind the grillwork. 

I felt obligated to eat a miracle chicken from the local sweet shop. I’ll take my miracles any way I can get them, preferably with sugar on top.
This morning, I got off to an early start in the sunshine. First, I went looking for my pal, Wendy, in a local coffee shop. Found her, only to learn that she had decided to return home to Canada. She said that she was homesick. She walked me to the start of the trail and we hugged goodbye.
I set off. Solo Camino Walker Extraordinaire. Not for long. I soon met Sandra from England and walked with her for the rest of the day. We had a nicely matched pace and a good conversation. As we strolled into Belorado, thunder rocked the sky. Perfect timing. This will be my stopping place for the night.
It is interesting that it is possible to take a walk of this distance without consulting a map. The path is marked, in many different ways, but if you observe carefully, you will never be lost. It may be an official sign on a post, an arrow painted on a guardrail, or a bronze shell embedded in the sidewalk. A lot of people have worked hard to help me find my way. Today I left the Rioja region and entered Castilla y Leon.
I was rewarded by a double stork sighting.
I was happy to hear that my “casa rural” for the night had laundry facilities. The owner loaded all of my clothes into the washer and turned it on. When I asked where the drier was, she opened a window and pointed to the clothesline. Not a terribly comforting idea on a rainy day. Let the wind blow…please.
Love the storks and hope your clothes dry !!
I am put to shame as I shove my belongings in the Car and
think the Drive home will be long.. You are an inspiration to us all ! 🙂
Wet clothes would be a load to carry. Hope the wind blew. Sounds like you meet new people everyday. Keep on trekking. Aunt Vee
Just noticed the storks on the bell tower. You know if a stork makes its nest on the top of your house, it is lucky. I saw them on a lot of chimneys in Alsace. Again Aunt Vee
Trish. Love reading your blog. You could turn it into a story about walking and healing. It is truly inspiring and I love the photographs. Carol Davis
Storks, chickens, new walking pals now that John has returned home …all good things as you enter a new chapter . Can’t wait to hear more…..
Love your Tales ! Again the scenery is amazing , Trish !
XX patty
Just joined your journey. Looks and sounds like the perfect one for you to take. And for others to follow. Day by day!
You are so inspiring Trish! I’m sure the first nights alone aren’t going to be easy, but they will powerful and
Worth it. Love reading your updates.
One step at a time. There is no substitute for living in the moment. Your insights and observations have been true lessons for all of us across the pond. Love the rooster miracles!
Dear SCWE, (solo camino walker extraordinare)….I like the sound of that! I am going to look up the cathedral/chickens legend but in the meantime, hope your clothes dried enough to be comfortable overnight! I trust you are keeping a personal journal; I imagine your thoughts and feelings will change and deepen as you trek on without dear John….
You are amazing.
Love, C and P
Each day is such an incredible adventure when you come back you may be able to become a famous writer!
Sending love and lots of encouragement to you this is truly amazing!!! xxoo Liza
P.S. Everyone – The clothes dried, thanks to a night on the radiator in my room.
It doesn’t surprise me at all that you are meeting life long friends from all over the world along your journey, yet it still warms my heart. Happy to hear you are with other good people after John’s departure. I can’t wait to read about all of the other pilgrims and locals you have yet to meet in upcoming blog posts.
I also want to backtrack two blog posts… Day 10. YOU LOOK GREAT! Literally glowing with happiness. We are all cheering you on and appreciate the detailed updates.
Can’t wait to meet up with John this weekend to hear more about the first 10 days.
Maryland update: After a week long of rain, we had a sunny day yesterday. Now its back to clouds and rain. The plants are loving it though!
Double storks were Sam sighting of the day.
Keep on keepin’ on Sista. You are doing a great thing.
xo Mag
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