
Day 26 (June 4) Murias de Rechivaldo to Rabanal del Camino (10 Miles)

Yesterday, I crossed the 2/3 mark. As of the end of today, I’ve walked roughly 345 miles. Santiago here I come!

Today was a short one, influenced mainly by my desire to attend vespers sung by monks reciting Gregorian chants. The service was held in the crumbling Iglesia de Santa Maria in Rabanal. Three monks, dressed in black robes softly sang in Latin. The effect was mystical, almost surreal. The church was strikingly simple, with a bank of glowing candles. I felt myself relax as the sound washed over me. A good time to ask God for help in my life, for strength to climb a mountain tomorrow and to allow myself to lay down my burden.

The walk today started in sun, but that quickly changed and rain ruled the day. I arrived in Santa Catalina just as the drops started to fall. I felt fortunate to get my morning coffee and put on rain gear under cover. I chose the first bar on the right because they were playing Ghost Busters as I passed.

In addition to their music selection, the bar had a sweet blue bird guarding the loo. She was unfazed by the comings and goings.

I walked on through undulating countryside on paths lined with a new kind of flowering bush. A nice walk, even in the rain.

I arrived in time for lunch, Spanish style. I felt so fortunate to be inside on this wet, chilly day as the rain pounded on relentlessly.

Tomorrow I have a 5-6 hour uphill walk to the highest point on the Camino, very likely in the rain. Time to get some winks. I hope this happens.

10 thoughts on “Day 26 (June 4) Murias de Rechivaldo to Rabanal del Camino (10 Miles)

  1. Brian Swisher June 4, 2018 at 9:07 pm

    I read this post earlier in the day to take a break from work and I am pretty sure everyone in my office herd me humming, Ghostbusters! The happy hums are gentle cheers from Owings Mills, Maryland.

    Congrats on the 2/3rds mark. You look amazing after hiking 345 miles. Everyone is so proud of you. Outside of those that comment, I know plenty of others who are quietly following your blog. You are the topic of conversation here in Maryland. I seriously live for your blog posts; each and every one is the highlight of my day.

    With great challenge comes great achievement. Looking forward to your blog post tomorrow from the high point of the Camino. You’ve got this!!!!

  2. Dear dear Trish, following your journey- sending you thoughts of sunshine , a gentle breeze and two hands of friendship to help you up that hill. XXOO, Cindy

  3. Carol G Davis June 4, 2018 at 10:10 pm

    Thank you so much for these blogs. I love the poem! I don’t know you well but journeying with you
    has been uplifting and inspirational. Hope
    you get a bit of a view tomorrow – Carol D.

  4. pat callaghan June 4, 2018 at 10:15 pm

    Dear Trish,
    Loved your thoughts on gifts yesterday. What a beautiful side of humanity you are experiencing. The monks’ chants must have been gorgeous inside that ancient chapel. Good luck with the mountain tomorrow; drink lots of water and take rests!

  5. Patty McGuigan June 4, 2018 at 10:54 pm

    Go Trish ! You are an inspiration to us all … one tough cookie ! So cheering for you …

  6. Dear Trish,
    Today’s blog was especially moving. Congratulations on your latest milestone.
    The chapel is lovely, and looks/feels spiritual. Your photos and observations are wonderful. God Bless you.

  7. Doreen Hansen June 5, 2018 at 6:03 am

    Dear Trish – On the day you reached Rabanal my modest donation was acknowledged by CU, a happy coincidence. I hope you had time to notice Refugio Gaucelmo with the carved St James set in the wall. The village derelict priest’s house was renovated in mid 1980’s to become the refugio. The house next door used as a summer home was later gifted by two sisters from Madrid (‘the Madrilenas[) to become the monastery.
    Today I wish you a fine clear day so that you can enjoy the lovely view south as you leave Rabanal and start the climb through the mountains to Ponferrada. Thank you for sharing your blog and lovely photographs – stay safe.

  8. Trish,

    I can see you sitting in the church listening to the monks singing Gregorian chants. They are beautiful and haunting.
    I think your Sam sighting of the day was twofold. The blue bird and the rock with the poem.

    xo, Mag

  9. Trish, thanks for sharing. I love this poem. Wow. Hope to see you next week.

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