
Day 20 (May 29) Teradillos del Templarios to Calzadillos de los Hermanillos (16.5 miles)

In the last few days, I have joined up with a group of three other people as companions on the trail: a retired engineer from Ireland, a cool working mom from Phoenix and a 19 year old student from Maine. Such an odd combination, but it works.

We meet in the morning, decide on a common route and destination and set out walking. Sometimes, we walk and talk. Other times we walk alone and meet up for meals. It’s nice to have company – undemanding and nonjudgmental. Slightly awkward, but, for now, it works. Tomorrow, maybe not.

There is always plenty of advice along the way regarding where to stop for coffee.

Today we walked through some crumbling towns and unremarkable landscapes. Weather changed from light rain to burning sun. Lunch was pasta (all that was on offer, from a card printed with photos of the food- always a warning sign) at a faux Irish pub. Faux Italian food in a faux Irish pub in Spain. Bizarre!

As we walked, we passed something that looked like hobbit homes, built into a hillside. They are “bodegas”, originally built for the storage of wine. Obviously they are used for other activities today. Note the TV antenna attached to the vent.

This afternoon, we headed onto an alternative path, an old Roman route, to avoid walking next to the road for hours on end. The terrain was strangely desolate, populated with only with small, withered oaks and ET plants. In lieu of time lapse photography, I am posting a montage that shows the strange transformation.

We walked the last 6 miles of the day without seeing another footprint. Though we mostly stayed in sight of each other, we walked separately. When we arrived at our destination, we all remarked that the area had felt very creepy. I am so glad I didn’t walk alone today.

We’re now tucked into a cheery attic quad and tonight we get real towels, sheets and pillowcases. Cause for celebration.

For dinner, I’ll have the pork.

11 thoughts on “Day 20 (May 29) Teradillos del Templarios to Calzadillos de los Hermanillos (16.5 miles)

  1. John the Proud Husband May 29, 2018 at 9:22 pm

    Teradillos, Calzadillos, Hermanillos… do they ever run out of uses for the double “L” in Spain? Mercy. And that’s just one leg of the trip!

  2. pat callaghan May 30, 2018 at 1:03 pm

    Always wondered about the real meaning of the word “bodega”! The wild flowers look beautiful. Glad you have found some new companions. It must be nice to have someone to share thoughts with over wine and food at the end of the day, as well as someone to chat with as you walk if you so choose. Sounds like you have settled in to your daily trekking routine, and I hear less mention of painful feet! I hope the blisters are a thing of the past at this point! Carry on, brave and beautiful woman!

  3. Roland MacKenzie May 30, 2018 at 1:34 pm

    Trish, you have accomplished much, covered many miles, emerged stronger, and have the clarity to share the simple things we all long to have on a daily basis. Thank you!

    Xo Roland

  4. Hello from America, You are really moving along . So happy you found some buddies ! Thinking if you and your feet . Leslie

  5. What are the biggest surprises you have experienced thus far?
    Keep on trekking.

  6. Have been following each day and admire your journey. Keep on trucking

  7. Have been following each day and admire your journey. Keep on treking

  8. Hi Trish – Greetings from Byford Court! I have such admiration for what you are doing. Your blog is wonderful. You write beautifully. It’s such fun to share the journey. We look forward to your return and to hearing more…

  9. I wonder how many people you will inspire to do this same journey. I know I’d love to do it someday. You are amazing <3

  10. Hey Trisha,
    Amy’s father-in-law Dr. Winston Brown II pasted away from ol’ age and dementia this past week. Amy has a full plate people coming from Washington State to Nags Head. He was a truly loved local dentist. Win and Winston are proud of their southern heritage and Love the southern swamps. The dentistry will continue thru young Winston the IV.
    Thank you for your commitment and surviving strength of your goodness and Love thru Little John. No longer little John. I Pray your journey is fulfilling and a great help for the future college student in psychological and chemical dependencies.
    God Bless and keep you and follow your travels.
    Glad you had friendly trekers not streekers. (Park)🤔🤣

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