
Day 17 (May 26) Hontanas to Boadilla en el Camino (18.2 miles)m

I began the day walking through a field of waving wheat. Out of the blue, a thought struck me, ” What will happen today? Who will I meet? What experiences will I have?” It seems that there is something new every day here and I love that.

At home, in my ordered life, guided by Google calendar, there aren’t many surprises. No sense of wonder at the start of the day. And why not? How can I keep that Camino spirit when I return to normal life? I hope to learn that on this trek.

My first surprise of the day came when I rounded the corner at a ruined convent and found a guy playing good jazz, selling stale cakes and lukewarm coffee. That’s okay. He had a working bathroom.

A bit further down the trail, the weather changed and I was hit with thunder, lightening, rain, wind and hail, all at the same time. I have experienced hail while riding in a car, but never walked in it for over an hour. It’s cold and it hurts.

The rain stopped and my clothes were drying, but my boots were full of water and I knew that wet feet mean blisters. What to do? I didn’t want to put dry socks inside of wet boots. So, I stopped in the square, took off my boots and wrung out my socks. I put them back on and continued on for the final 7 miles of the day. No damage done.

Leaving Castrojeriz, I ran into a traffic jam. I have never walked straight through a herd of sheep before (they were too slow, I had to pass), but I plunged in and did it today.

My final surprise of the day was my accommodations. Most nights, I have succeeded in getting a private room in the simplest of places, justifying that I need good rest to walk these miles. That was not to be tonight. I’m in a common room with 20 others. At least no bunk beds! I don’t think it will be a problem since I have industrial strength earplugs (thanks John.)

I shared a pilgrim dinner with my old friend, Rebecca (proud I am keeping up with a 25 year old on the trail), and my new friends Mickey, Harlan and John. The wine bottle we drank from had no label and was just fine.

10 thoughts on “Day 17 (May 26) Hontanas to Boadilla en el Camino (18.2 miles)m

  1. pat callaghan May 26, 2018 at 8:49 pm

    Wow! Your sense of wonder is serving you so well, Trish! No expectations and an open mind…how amazing. So glad you are meeting so many nice people.

  2. Trish, I hope you know that your adventure is being much talked about in Baltimore. Someone was talking about it at dinner last night and again today on the golf course. I think you are achieving your goal of spreading the word about addiction. Can’t wait to hear about tomorrows adventure! Peace xo

  3. Carolie & Pokey May 27, 2018 at 1:02 am

    Your comment about “ what will happen today? Who will I meet?” resonated strongly with me. I kept an in-depth journal of our year’s trip sailing with our children, and that is what I wrote and felt nearly every day. I think that was one of the biggest gifts (insights) we was given. It is nearly impossible to think that way in our regular lives, But important that we try to! Thank you for the reminder.

  4. Chuck McKinney May 27, 2018 at 1:03 am

    Go Trish Go.. You rock!

  5. Each post is better than the last!!!

  6. I love your posts Trish. You are an inspiration. Godspeed

  7. I look forward to each post, Trish! I have pulled out my trusty atlas and am following you every step of the way. Thank you for sharing your adventure! xoxo

  8. Hello from America, Trish I look forward to your adventure stories . You are correct that our lives can be scheduled and predictable. I think tomorrow I will wake up with no plans and do what ever I want!! Sorry work you will just have to wait.
    Keep those feet dry and it is amazing you can walk so far in 1 day . Keep moving. Leslie

  9. Trish, Everyone (your cousins) here said they were loving your blog. Whitney’s shower was this past Sat. and many of your Arington cousins were attending. We had a cookout here last night and your trek came up often. All of us love reading and seeing the photos. Penny and I leave for Tuscany on Tuesday. I hope to keep up with you. Take care and I am happy that you did not get blisters. Aunt Vee

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